
You know you’re a night nurse when…


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Recently, many of you participated in’s “You Know You’re a Nurse When…” stethoscope giveaway contest. Although we were only able to pick four winners, many entries were so good that we wanted to share others.

Cathleen Moses, RN, submitted five indications that you are definitely a night nurse.

Five Ways You Know You’re a Night Nurse

1. You know you’re a night nurse when you open the box of chocolates that a family had left and all you see are two chocolate covered raisins hiding in the corner of the box.

2. You know you’re a night nurse when they call up and say that there won’t be a food cart tonight because they ‘forgot’ to leave one.

3. You know you’re a night nurse when you can identify everyone in the hospital on your shift, the evening shift and the day shift, but get glared at when you leave in the morning because no one knows who you are or why you’re there.

4. You know you’re a night nurse when you keep getting notices for not attending the staff meetings (held at 2pm).

5. You know you’re a night nurse when you come back on duty after a rough first post-op night with ‘Mr. Jones’ and find that he is doing much better. And that deep down you know that without you and your covering night team, he might not have gotten through.  I secretly take credit for that because I know as a night nurse I probably won’t ever get a pat on the back–and that’s OK because I know and that’s why I love my job as a night nurse.

Written by Cathleen Moses, RN

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