
Words from a Boston nurse



Along with the rest of the country, we’re still reeling from the horrendous bombings in Boston earlier this week.

Our hearts broke again this morning when we learned of a CNN report detailing the account of a nurse who tended to one of the victims of the bombing.

According to CNN, Stephen Segatore, an ICU nurse at Tufts Medical Center, was volunteering in a medical tent near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when EMTs carried in an unconscious woman who was not breathing.

Though Segatore, a physician and an EMT were unable to save Krystle Campbell, he wants her family to know that she did not die alone, and that she did not suffer.

“I want them to know she was not alone when she died,” Segatore told CNN. “We did everything we could to save her, but her wounds were too great…I don’t think she suffered. If it were my daughter, I would want to know that.”

Watch the CNN news segment featuring Segatore:

Our thoughts go out to those still recovering and to those grieving, and we’re grateful for all of the nurses, healthcare professionals and first responders who rushed to the scene to help.


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