
What should I do when I have an allergic reaction on my shift?


Latex Allergies
An anaphylactic reaction or other serious allergic response to latex on the job may be considered a workplace illness or injury according to state and federal law. You should report this to your supervisor immediately. Your employer may need to document the incident for OSHA record-keeping purposes. You may also be entitled to workers’ compensation and/or sick leave to cope with the effects of latex exposure, depending on your employer’s policies. Arrangements may need to be made to adjust your assigned duties to minimize future exposure. Just like with a lumbar strain or other workplace injury, reporting a problem as soon as possible is the key to appropriate documentation.

Long-Term Strategy for Reducing Latex Effects
Ideally, your hospital should have a comprehensive latex protocol governing the use of this product to create a safe environment for workers and patients. However, this is often not the case—even though OSHA provides many resources for developing such a policy. This is a subject that you can and should discuss with your supervisor and hospital administration. Sometimes, it just takes healthcare workers bringing this problem to the attention of an employer to get the ball rolling. Accommodating latex-sensitive employees in a healthcare setting is not an insurmountable task (just ask the folks at Johns Hopkins).

Do your research first so you’ll be prepared to discuss potential solutions rather than just pointing out a problem. For example, you should understand that gloves are only a part of the issue. There are many other items used in a hospital setting that can create a latex health risk (even balloons brought in as gifts). Arm yourself with the latest statistics on latex allergies, including the special risks posed by powdered gloves. Print out relevant documentation to bring with you to any meeting on the topic.

Don’t forget to research this subject from the perspective of the hospital administration, as they will face challenges in making a change in purchasing and usage policies. Synthetic substitutes for latex can drive up the cost of supplies, but the payoff can be worth it in the long run. You should understand the pros and cons of all gloves compared to latex so you can offer multiple potential solutions to satisfy all your colleagues.


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