
Top 10 nurse shows of 2009 that didn’t make the cut


top ten nurse shows that didn't make the cutForget what you’ve been reading in the tabloids – the biggest drama of 2009 is all about nurses!
Debuting this summer are HawthoRNe and Nurse Jackie starring Jada Pinkett Smith and Edie Falco, respectively.  Both shows follow nurses as central characters.  And no wonder!  Hollywood has finally caught on to the fact that a nurse’s life spares not a dull moment.  Perfect fodder for primetime drama!

We put in calls (from our banana phones) to the big Hollywood studios and got the run down on all the other nurse shows that were pitched this season (and were thankfully rejected!).  We present them here in Scrubs Magazine’s exclusive list of Top Ten Nurse Shows of 2009 that Didn’t Make The Cut!

10. Nurse Shackie: Golf course triage nurse!

9. American Vitals: Nurses sing out their charts!

8. Lost: The crummier moments in travel nursing

7. Law & Order: Super cranky charge nurse unit

6. Med Men: Male nurses who drink bourbon and have impeccable hair

5. 24: That’s how many hours I worked today

4. Dancing in the Stars: Nurses boogie in their favorite print scrubs

3. NCIS:  NICU!  Critical care!  I.V. poles!  Saline!

2. The Mental List: Nursing students recite weird mnemonic poetry

1. FoghoRNe LeghoRNe: Tales of a male nurse who gets the chicks


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