
The nurse’s guide to dealing with dangerous driving conditions


Braving Blizzards

Your visibility may be limited as you navigate the slippery roads. Freezing temperatures, snow and ice force you to proceed at a snail’s pace. If you become impatient, keep in mind all the safety measures we use to take care of our patients—those lovely non-skid socks and the slow, measured assistance we provide each step of the way. Remaining slow and steady will keep you from falling into harm’s way.


DO drive slowly and give yourself extra time and distance for braking.

DO brake gently, and ease off if your wheels begin to lock up.

DO keep your vehicle in low gear to improve traction.


DON’T use cruise control, especially on icy roads.

Next: Blizzard Bundles →

Sara Beth Furey, RN, BSN, CPN
Sara Beth Furey, RN, BSN, CPN is a nurse and professional writer. Her unique educational background consists of a BSN from Indiana University (IUPUI) and a BA in both English and biology from Butler University. Writing pursuits have sent her foraging for wild edibles, exploring auto repair shops to learn about “hubside manner” and investigating countless other topics. Past publications include magazine articles as well as educational materials.

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