Nursing is tough. There’s no doubt about that.
But is it about to get even harder?
Current RN employment projections predict a massive RN deficit in the coming years. There are believed to be multiple factors causing this projected deficit including a rapidly aging population, large numbers of RNs nearing retirement, and nurses leaving the workforce.
Combine these factors with the inability of nursing schools to match the current demand for RNs and this deficit quickly becomes a reality.
This increased demand could provide the perfect opportunity for those who’ve always wanted to become a nurse to take action.
It’s true that nursing isn’t for everyone but those who are cut out for it can enjoy career benefits such as low unemployment rates, above average salaries and job offers coming right out of nursing school!
Check out the infographic below, courtesy of Veva Compression, which adds concrete numbers to the issues mentioned above. It’s a great representation that puts the demand for RNs into perspective, provides context as to why this is occurring and gives reasons why some may want to choose a career as an RN!