
The five people you meet in the hospital


No One-Job Lori or Forgetful Lorrie here! These are the five people you’ll meet in any hospital and really appreciate (inspired by 5 Unhelpful People You Meet in Every Hospital):
Just Leave It to Me Jane: Got a problem with your insurance? Can’t get pain relief? Are you too tall for the bed? This is the nurse who will solve all of those problems before the end of her shift.

Amy in Admissions: She’ll happily stay over to get paperwork done that you haven’t had time to do. (I work with her; she’s wonderful.)

Nathan the Marvelous: He might work in engineering, or be a janitor, or work in the food service division; no matter where he is, he goes a few extra steps to make your job easier. If you need a room cleaned fast, he’s there. If your medication didn’t make it up from the pharmacy, he’ll walk it up and hand-deliver it.

Charlie or Charlene the Chaplain: When it absolutely, positively, has to be about the Holy Spirit, Charlie or Charlene is there, with a listening ear and a box of tissues.

Lifting Laura: The physical therapist who stands four-foot-ten and weighs 90 pounds and who can lever your 300-pound six-footer out of his bed the day after knee surgery and, by gum, make him walk. I’m not sure if it’s the power of persuasion or if she uses a cattle prod, but she gets the job done.

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