
A “winning” note of gratitude! We’re giving away a Littmann Stethoscope!


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It’s amazing every time you get thanked for doing your job as a nurse. But sometimes you get a little more than you may have bargained for! In the spirit of the season, we asked our Facebook fans for the best, funniest ways they’ve ever been thanked on the job. Get a chuckle at the responses below, then ENTER TO WIN A LITTMANN STETHOSCOPE just by saying “thanks” to your coworkers in the comments!

“The funniest way I’ve ever been thanked!”

1. A little old lady gave me fudge with a note saying: “I know you don’t like chocolate, but it’s my specialty. And you’re too thin. So eat the damn fudge. Thank you for all you did.”
—Nicole Stombaugh

2. Someone brought back a stool sample and a bag of snacks and handed them to us with the same hand. I appreciated the thought, but couldn’t eat the snacks after they’d been so close to a container of poo!
—Danita Partin Ludwig

3. I was gently and carefully washing an elderly man’s bottom and testicles, and he said, “Honey, you do that like a pro, thanks!”
—Deborah Zahorchak

4. I’m an ER nurse and had a patient who brought me her old bowling ball.
—Jessica L. Hill

5. After I gave a patient a suppository, she said, “Thank you”—she really wanted that BM.
—Sara RN Aguayo

6. “Thanks for being down my throat and up my ass!” (I’m an Endo nurse, lol!) 🙂
—Nicole Page Hooper

7. I was supporting a pregnant woman for a spinal anesthetic administration and she thanked me for letting her rest her head on my “soft boobies.”
—Elizabeth Chappell Fussman

8. Once, a copy of the book Little Miss Chatterbox accompanied my thank you card! I had taken care of a young girl in PACU for several hours and it was from the child’s mother, who had stayed and talked with me throughout…at least, I think it was a thank you and not a complaint! 🙂
—Clare Sharp

9. A dementia patient gave me her “baby” (an old ratty doll) and said, “Thank you for babysitting—that little bastard bugs the shit out of me.”
—Erica Andersen

10. I had a patient thank me when I told the patient that he/she was negative for chlamydia. I was told I was an angel in disguise. Really!!!
—Deseree Kelso Prather

Who knows better how to properly thank a nurse than…well…you! In the spirit of the season, thank your fellow nurses in the comments below. We know you don’t need a prize to move you to show your gratitude, but we’re GIVING AWAY A LITTMANN STETHOSCOPE to one nurse who shares his/her gratitude in the comments below — well, because we like being part of the love fest. 🙂

Thank your best coworker(s) below for all that they do and be automatically entered to win a LITTMANN STETHOSCOPE!

The lucky winner will be announced on December 15th!

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