
Test your “job market IQ”


Image: Thomas Northcut | Digital Vision | Thinkstock

Just because nurses are in demand does not mean that a hospital will just give you a job. Find out if you have the smarts to land the nursing job of your dreams.
The first thing you should do when you get an interview is...

Where is the best place to look for a nursing position?

When researching your target area you should take into account all these things except...

Before you go to a job fair, you should...

What should you not include on your resume?

When writing a cover letter you should...

After your interview you should...

When asking about salary you should...

Is it ok to negotiate a salary?

Which should you not consider when taking a job offer?

Is it worth it to get your Masters?

NursingLink likes to consider itself the "third place." It's not your company’s HR web site, not an anonymous job board, but something new and different: a place where your lifelong career needs come home to roost. NursingLink brings nurses together to provide resources and services to advance careers and take advantage of everything a community site has to offer. News, education resources, job search, career networking, advice, and mentorship are just a few of those benefits. NursingLink is part of Monster Worldwide. Visit to enjoy NursingLink and join their community.

Why nurses need a creative outlet

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