
Supplements for nurses


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When we entered the world of nursing, we knew that it was a profession of “giving.” We knew that we would give a lot of ourselves in the amount of energy it takes to care for people, both physically and emotionally. But what we may not have known is how much of our body we may end up giving.
Not all nurses experience physical problems from working as a nurse, but a good number do develop issues such as back pain, insomnia or weight gain, to name a few. Sometimes, nothing helps but a trip to the doctor’s office and perhaps a prescription or two, but other times, supplements may do the trick. So, we here at Scrubs decided to see what we could find that may help you feel better.

Immunity Boosters

Some people fear that nurses are at high risk of catching the many contagious diseases that cross hospital thresholds. The thing is, because of universal precautions and vaccines, it’s not the serious diseases that most nurses have to worry about—it’s the common ones: the colds and influenza.

There are two supplements that many people swear by in terms of holding off or helping shorten the duration of colds and the flu.

Airborne was invented by a schoolteacher who worked in a germ factory—oops, a school—and was determined to find a way to help avoid catching all the viruses her students generously shared with her. Originally sold as a health supplement, Airborne had to be changed to a dietary supplement because it wasn’t proven through clinical trials to prevent colds. However, for many people, the blend of 16 vitamins, minerals and herbs, which include zinc, echinacea and vitamin D, seems to help keep them healthy.

The trick behind Airborne’s effectiveness is to take it at the very first sign of a cold, no matter how minor, and then follow the instructions for further doses. The manufacturer also recommends that you use Airborne before going into situations where the risk of being infected is highest, such as in an airplane or a crowded room.

The other popular supplement is ColdFX. Developed in Canada and available across North America, ColdFX is a blend of ingredients that the manufacturer says make up “Chemical and Biological Fingerprinting,” or ChemBioPrint. According to the ColdFX website, this immune booster is made up of 80 percent poly-furanosyl-pyranosyl-saccharides extracted from Panax quinquefolius (North American ginseng root).

There is a dose schedule to follow at the first signs of a cold or the flu, and the manufacturer also recommends you use it as an immune booster to prevent the cold or flu from setting in to begin with.

Because both of these products are supplements, please check with your physician before using them if you have any chronic illness, take medications, are pregnant or nursing, or have any other health concerns.

Joint health –>

Marijke Durning
Marijke is a professional writer who began her working career as a registered nurse over 25 years ago. After working in clinical areas ranging from rehab to intensive care, as a floor nurse to a supervisor, she found she could combine her extensive health knowledge with her love of writing. Although she has been published in a wide variety of publications for professionals and the general public, her passion is writing for the every day person to promote health literacy.

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