I started my new job this week in a cardiology office. No management stuff, just back to good old fashioned patient care, sort of.
With the exception of the four years that I worked as a CNA in a nursing, I have been a hospital nurse my entire career. I have always thought that clinics are where old nurses go to die. But, I thought I would give it a shot and hopefully learn something new along the way.
Here is what I have learned in the past two weeks, clinic nurses are amazing. They have developed relationships with their patients that are unbelievable. They everything about their patients and the patients treat the nurses like they are family. Not to mention the clinical skills they have. I thought I was a big shot going in there, but I am quickly learning that I have a lot to learn.
The other thing I am learning is male nurses are almost not existent in the clinics. In my clinic, I am the only guy, out of about 12 nurses, 8 techs, several receptionists and other support staff. Other than the physicians, I am the only guy on the entire floor. And, I can tell they are not used to having a male presence around because they do not hold anything back in front of me.
The big things I have learned these past two weeks are:Â 1. I have a lot to learn and 2. Keep your head down and let the girls run the show.