
Spring scrubs style that even Mila Kunis would love!


Gaga over Tata Naka
We don’t think there’s an evil twin in this set of sisters. It’s easy to lose our cool from time to time with family and coworkers in a stressful industry like nursing. Imagine working with a sibling in a chaotic and high-pressure world like fashion! Tamara and Natasha Surguladze’s ability to collaborate so well is an inspiration to all of us. This dynamic duo is known for creating vivid pieces that make you look twice to catch all the details.

The sisters say this about their ideal client: “She is adventurous and romantic with a great sense of humor. She doesn’t feel the need to follow the trends, but is capable of creating her own unique style.” How would you like to mix and match the Reflections of Spring top with a kaleidoscope of colors to create your own one-of-a-kind look? We can count at least eight different hues that would work for pants with this top. That’s not even getting started on the shoes….

Next: Ugly Duckling or Black Swan? →


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