
Scrubs winter 2013 edition – vital signs


In the winter 2013 print edition of Scrubs magazine, we bring you the scoop behind two new films about nurses, The Shift and Nurses: If Florence Could See Us Now. Plus, we shed light on a “humerus” contest that got nurses talking (and laughing). See the videos and link to the gallery below.


The facts in fiction…

If you’re tired of seeing nurses depicted in an unrealistic manner on screen, you’ll be excited about The Shift, now making the rounds at film festivals!

Watch the trailer for The Shift:

…and documenting the facts

“Few people can accurately describe what a nurse does,” says Kathy Douglas, RN, chief nursing officer for API Healthcare. Douglas decided to clear up the confusion, and the result—a touching documentary called Nurses: If Florence Could See Us Now—shows the breadth and depth of the profession.

See the trailer for Nurses: If Florence Could See Us Now:

See more videos about nurses.

Fit to a “T”

Going to work each day would be tough if you didn’t have a sense of  humor. Just how witty can you be? Last year, nurses who wanted to find out could, by entering the Nurses Week Humerus T-Shirt Design Contest (using a pun only a nurse could love). The yearly contest, which will begin again in April (each year will have a different theme), has spawned a dresser drawer full of witty tees! Don’t forget to check out this year’s winning T-shirt here and see more hilarious nurse t-shirts here!

Find out more about these projects by picking up the latest print edition of Scrubs!


Who is Lt. General Patricia D. Horoho?

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