
Our 20 funniest nursing quotes


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1. “I just realized that I graduated from nursing school 20 years ago today! I remember drawing blood for the first time on a real person (not those fake mannequin arms with the red dyed liquid). One of the nurses I worked with was brave enough to let me practice on her. As I started through the skin, she yelled, ‘Ouch!’ It startled me so much I dropped the needle. It was hanging off her arm, half in and half out, as she said through gritted teeth, ‘Finish shoving it all the way in!’ I did. Finished drawing the blood and we still laugh about that to this day.”
—Cindi Beck Jenkins on 16 things I remember from nursing school

2. “Psych hospital, struggling with a difficult patient during a tense situation. While trying to restrain said patient, bottoms came loose and fell down as I was tackled to the floor. Now lying on the floor (which is covered in urine from the patient’s refusal to use the restroom) and restraining patient with pants around my ankles. Then staff shows up in room to this image. Will never live it down (and want to shower every time I even think about it).”
—Jeffrey Bodurka on Facebook sweeps question “What is your worst OMG scrubs stain story?”

3.”‘Positive Revlon Sign’—you can tell when a patient is feeling better when she starts to wear makeup.”
— Jenn O’Keefe on Nursing slang terms—got any top picks?

4. “This isn’t a slang term but something I heard between a doctor and an RN who know each other well. She was questioning his orders and he said, ‘Do you see MD after my name? That means Makes Decisions.’ She replied quickly with, “Do you see RN after mine? It stands for Resists/Refuses Nonsense.’ LOL!”
— Maranda Leigh onNursing slang terms—got any top picks?

Nifty naps –>


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