Nursing Blogs>Rob Cameron

Rough week for a nurse manager


Image: Terry Vine | Blend Images | Getty Images

This was kind of a rough week at work.  I was rushing around trying to get things done since I was going to be out of the office for a few days.  Getting the schedule out to my staff (have I ever told you all how much I truly hate the schedule), making sure everything was off my desk before I leave for this trip I am taking and then having to terminate two of my employees.

This week I had to let two of my employees go.  One had it coming, it was really just a matter of time until he had to move along.  But the other was tough.  The other was a great nurse who was a great leader on my team, was a resource to the younger staff and was dependable.  Unfortunately for her and my team, things in her personal life started to spill over into her professional life and that affected her ability to work.

I know this is part of my job to deal with these kinds of things, that doesn’t make it any easier.  I get paid well to solve problems, and unfortunately to help people move on to another job from time to time.

Just one week I would love to not have any drama.  I would like to have everybody come to work, do their job and get along.  Is that too much to ask for?

Rob Cameron
Rob Cameron is currently a staff nurse in a level II trauma center. He has primarily been an ED nurse for most of his career, but he has also been a nurse manager for Surgical Trauma and Telemetry unit. He has worked in Med/Surg, Critical Care, Hospice, Rehab, an extremely busy cardiology clinic and pretty much anywhere he's been needed. Prior to his career in nursing, Rob worked in healthcare finance and management. Rob feels this experience has given him a perspective on nursing that many never see. He loves nursing because of all the options he has within the field. He is currently a grad student working on an MSN in nursing leadership, and teaches clinicals at a local university. Away from work, Rob spends all of his time with his wife and daughter. He enjoys cycling and Crossfit. He is a die hard NASCAR fan. Sundays you can find Rob watching the race with his daughter.

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