
Video: Riders for Health!


Hemera | ThinkStockHemera | ThinkStock

“Motorcycles can save lives.” As a nurse, you probably think the opposite based on what you see at the hospital every single day, but Riders for Health is proving it’s true!

In the Fall 2013 issue of Scrubs, we reported that Riders for Health provides and manages motorcycles and “off-road” vehicles, allowing nurses and other healthcare providers to reach patients in rural sub-Saharan Africa. According to the organization, “Riders for Health’s vision is of a world in which the poor do not suffer and die for lack of access to health care and other vital services simply because they are isolated by distance or terrain.” Now that’s something we all can get behind!

Watch the Riders for Health introductory video to learn more:

Want to get involved? Visit the Riders for Health site to learn more.


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