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Radio station grants late mother’s three wishes, including one for her nurses




Warning: this story might leave you a little teary-eyed!

Brenda Schmitz of Iowa passed away from cancer in 2011. It’s a sad, and sadly familiar, story. But what isn’t as familiar is what she left behind. And two years after her death, the surprise she left for her family has been let out of the bag.

Knowing that she didn’t have much time left due to a terminal case of ovarian cancer, she gave a friend a letter and some secret instructions. Before her death, she encouraged her husband David to find it within himself to move on and create a new family when he was ready. She told her friend that once he had, she should send Brenda’s letter to a local radio station that has a long-running wish-granting program at the holidays.

David recently got engaged to a woman named Jayne, and Brenda’s friend sent her letter in. The station got the letter, and choose it for their 2013 grant. Brenda had asked for three special gifts in her letter: a vacation for her family (both her own kids with David plus any children his new partner might have), a “a day, or better yet, a weekend, of pampering” for David’s new partner, and a holiday party for the hospital staff who looked after her.

The couple, along with David’s four children and Jayne’s two, will travel to Disney World this week. No news yet on the hospital party, though we’re touched that she thought to include her nurses and doctors in her wishes…and we knew you’d be, too.

Watch the TODAY segment about the story below:

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Nurses, have you ever had a patient leave something behind for you? Tell us some of your favorite stories in the comments below.


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