Break RoomScrubs

Nurse personality quiz


John Howard | Photodisc | Thinkstock

In a perfect world, sure, a unit is humming with happiness and friendship within the nursing staff. We all know that “perfect,” though, is pretty much a fantasy when it comes to a typically busy shift, and of course, a nurse’s true colors tend to come out in a crisis!

So, do you ever wonder: When the big one hits the fan, how do my coworkers view me? Are you a “Charles in Charge” nurse—leading the way when things go wrong? Or are you a “Nervous Nelly” whom everyone avoids in a jam because you’re easily overwhelmed? You may have many friends on the unit because you’re likeable, but to figure out what your coworkers really think about you, take this 10-question quiz.

1. When a conflict arises on the job:
a. I do NOT know how to act. It’s the one instance in which I actually make time to go to the bathroom (to HIDE and regroup).
b. I nod my head a lot (I don’t want to lead the conversation!), but eventually I’m able to contribute to a solution.
c. I think on my feet—that’s why I’m a nurse! I feel comfortable leading and/or contributing to the discussion to find a viable solution (plus, I’m no dummy—the alternative is that things get WORSE).

2. When I feel like I’m losing, I tend to:
a. Implode into a sense of utter humiliation. Then, I plot revenge.
b. Skulk off and lick my wounds. After that, I’m ready to get back to my patients and give it my all.
c. Try to see the big picture and focus on understanding the other side of the argument.

3. When I’m at odds with a difficult coworker, I tend to:
a. Immediately feel anxious and think about fleeing.
b. Find myself sighing loudly as I’d rather be helping a patient, perhaps even muttering this thought out loud as I get ready to “deal.”
c. Make a small joke to defuse the tension, then work with my coworker to resolve things quickly and move on.

4. When an agreed-upon solution goes south, I tend to:
a. Tap dance on the nearest grave. I was right! I was right!
b. I wait for someone else to point it out.
c. Live and learn! I immediately look for another solution to share with the team.

5. When I don’t get my way, I tend to:
a. Drag my feet in hopes of proving everyone wrong.
b. Go along with the solution, but make sure to elaborate on all kinds of strategies to show that my point is also correct.
c. Swallow my pride (and try not to choke!) and remind myself it’s about the patients. All’s well that ends well, right?

Next: Questions 6-10 →


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