People who make a difference

In my time in Nursing school I have come across some really wonderful people.  Within that group of special people are a few teachers who have left an impact on my career as a student.
Professor Maureen Marthaler has taught 3 of my nursing classes and I am so thankful to have had her as a professor.  She has taught me not only the foundations of the nursing field, but what it means to truly be a nurse in every aspect.  From her great stories from the bedside to her dress-up skits during lectures, Maureen Marthaler is truly an unforgettable nurse…..I hope to someday practice nursing with the passion, wisdom, and compassion that she never fails to exhibit.  I thought it appropriate to dedicate a post every few weeks to someone who truly makes a difference.  Thanks Professor Marthaler for being that person in my life….

Tell me a bit about yourself!  (feel free to share as little or as much as you like….name….children…etc) I am 52 years old, married for 25 years and have two sons who are 19 and 21. I went to Lewis University for my BSN because I wanted to play volleyball. Yep, not to become a nurse but to play volleyball. I am absolutely thrilled I became a nurse since being a 5’4” volleyball player would not generate much income at the age of 52.

I obtained my Master’s Degree from De Paul University in Nursing Education.

How long have you been a registered nurse? 30 years

What inspired you to go into the field of nursing?    My dad told me that if I was going to go to school make sure there was a job waiting for me when I got out. I opened the classified ads in the newspaper and thank god there was a nursing shortage then because that is why I picked nursing. There were a ton of jobs.

Do you have a nursing specialty?(peds, ICU…etc)  Neuro ICU.

Why teach nursing? I had some really good teachers and as we all may experience in our education some really bad ones. One day when I was working at University of Chicago in the ICU a nursing instructor asked me if I could have a student with me. I said sure! I was then hooked. I loved teaching and immediately went back to school for my Master’s which at the time was the degree you needed to teach.

What are your thoughts about ASN vs. BSN nursing degrees?   Do you think all nurses should be required to hold BSN’s?  MMMMmmmm. I do not think all ASNs have the opportunity to get the BSNs for a variety of reasons. It depends on what the nurses want to do. I highly recommend ASNs to look at their future and what they will physically be able to do.  Most positions that are not at the bedside require a BSN.

Best part of being a nurse? Teaching and learning something every day is incredible. I love to learn and learning helps you care for your patients and share with your patients, students, fellow nurses what they need to know.

The other thing about being a nurse is that I was able to care for my parents and father in law when they were sick and at their end of their life. It was had at times but I knew I would never want it any other way.

Worst part? I can honestly say I really do not have a worst. I love being a nurse.

Biggest misconception of nurses? A nurse is a nurse is a nurse. I could never deliver a baby, care for a post open heart, assist in surgery to name a few. We all have our areas and we need to ask each other for information when it is not our area.

Advice for student nurses? I will give you the advice Fortune Kennedy gave me when I was in nursing school. Read an article every day. Something in nursing changes every 18 months and it is our responsibility to keep informed.  As we all know , one day eggs are good for us and the next they are not.

Megan Gilbert

My name is Megan Gilbert. I am a 29-year-old third year nursing student at Purdue University Calumet. I have been married to my wonderful husband Scott for eight years and we have two beautiful boys; Reece and Mason. We currently reside in Northwest Indiana in the town of Schererville, which is about 40 minutes outside of Chicago. I love spending quality time with my family and l also enjoy singing with my local church. In addition, one of my favorite things to do in my down-time is blog and read blogs.

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