
Opinion poll: Guess what readers think is the #1 trait of a good nurse?


9. Respect
As an LPN, I have learned from many people with a variety of initials after their names. We can all help to “make or break” our fellow employees. I will be forever grateful to the CNA who taught me how to put a pull-up on a resident sitting on the toilet without removing his pants…this trick has probably saved me hours throughout the years. I once worked with an RN who pointed out the fact that a lot of RNs only have one to two more years of schooling than LPNs or CNAs, yet don’t show professional respect to them. Most of these same RNs expect to be shown respect from MDs and DOs, with approx. eight more years of schooling.

Once, when “floated” to a different floor, I overheard a CNA tell an RN that a patient had expired. The RNs reply was “You are supposed to be getting vitals, not making nursing assessments.” The CNA’s reply: “Pulse 0, respiration 0, temp. 75.8, bp 0/0. Make your own nursing assessment.”

Remember, “United we stand” refers to all areas of life.

—Barbara on You know you’re an LPN when…

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