After winning yesterday’s election, Barack Obama not only guaranteed himself four more years in the White House, but also that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act–commonly known as Obamacare–will be implemented.
The act’s goal is to extend healthcare coverage to more than 30 million currently uninsured Americans by January 2014. But there are still many questions remaining as to how the healthcare reform law will be put into place.
A Reuters article points out that Republican challenger Mitt Romney had promised to repeal the law if he were elected, and that the bill still faces many challenges in Congress. Republicans retained control of the House of Representatives during the election and are expected to call for concessions from Obamacare. Among these is the planned scaling back of Medicaid’s expansion.
Additionally, the article notes that another term for Obama puts an end to Romney’s proposed Medicare reform plan.
What’s your take? Are you looking forward to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act? Let us know in the comments below.