Nursing Blogs

Student insanity


Hemera | Thinkstock

The spring semester has come and gone. I survived – barely. In the interim the wife and I took a mini-vacation get away (that was so rightfully deserved).

Summer semester has begun and the wave of anxiety and fear is ruling my mind and my world. Why is it that the beginning of every semester starts out the same:

  • Read class outline
  • Panic!
  • Read class syllabus
  • Panic even more!!
  • View required reading material
  • Choke back the tears and try not to regress to an infantile state~!!
  • View exam schedule
  • Barely save yourself from passing out after you have hyperventilated enough to fill a hot-air balloon!!!!!!!

*RINSE – AND- REPEAT the following experience for each individual class you are taking*

The start of the semester includes trying to figure out how you can extend the amount of hours in one day because 24 hours is just simply not enough time to complete all that is required.

Also, you begin to bargain with your subconscious and your body as to how much sleep you REALLY need.

The rationing of food and water is optional since all you really need is your favorite choice of caffeine (and in my case that would be coffee).

Oh, did I mention I just purchased a new coffee maker?

Yes, the summer semester has started like a drag race. No easing into it – let’s just leap forward at Mach 1 and see if we can hang on for dear life.

I for one think the summer semester is the TOUGHEST of them all because you have to figure out a way not to be influenced by the oh-so beautiful weather.

Am I the only one (nursing student) that thinks this way? I have been accused of being quite the odd bird.

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