
Nurse Gives Back to ICU Nurse Who Saved Her Life


Nichole Dibble has been a nurse at UC Health for two decades.

“I have been very blessed to not have to deal with a lot of COVID positive patients working in maternity, and never dreamed I would be the one with COVID,” said Dibble.

In August of 2021, she was diagnosed and sent to UC West Chester Hospital to fight for her life.

Jesse Dearth was an ICU nurse at the hospital. He took care of Dibble and he was literally at her bedside holding her hand.

“I’m begging him to not let me die, to be honest with you,” said Dibble.

“We have empathy for all of our patients, but with her being a nurse, it kind of hit home because that could’ve been me in that that bed,” said Dearth.

Dibble nominated him for the national “Daisy Award,” which honors nurses who go above and beyond, writing a heartfelt letter about her experience.

“I was surprised and also very thankful that I affected her so positively that she felt the need to send a letter like that,” said Dearth.

Dibble took her appreciation a step further, she applied to West Chester after her care from Jesse and the other staff, because she wanted to give back more than she was given.

Although they work at different floors and different shifts, the two nurses can feel each other’s appreciation.

“It’s kind of surreal having her feel so inspired that she wants to work here,” Dearth said. “I think it’s amazing.”

“I give him a lot of credit for emotionally and physically getting me to the other end,” said Dibble.

The two both say they plan to be nurses for the rest of their lives.


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