Remember school days when a teacher would be discussing something and someone would invariably pipe up and ask, “Will this be on the exam?” Or how about those nursing teachers who loved to spring pop quizzes on unsuspecting nursing students? Whether you graduated last year or 25 years ago, some student memories are hard to shake. And here we are helping you bring back those memories!
Study material provided by NCLEX-RN Exam Prep:
Pearson IT Certification is a publishing imprint born of a tradition of proven learning tools and educational training materials such as NCLEX-RN Exam Prep (now in its second edition) that have helped generations of certification exam candidates succeed. Tapping into the exciting new opportunities provided by the technology advances of online learning and web-based services, Pearson has created a suite of products and solutions that address the learning, preparation and practice needs of a new generation of certification candidates. Pearson IT Certification delivers learning formats ranging from books to online learning and practice services, network simulators and video training.