My hospital recently implemented a smoke-free policy that is supposed to go into full effect this summer. This policy will make us a completely smoke free campus and no one is excluded. The policy includes patients, visitors and staff. In preparation for this big change the hospital has started various programs to help staff cease and desist smoking.
I read once that respiratory therapists and firefighters have the highest smoking rates, although I don’t know if that still holds true. I do know, however, that I am personally repulsed by the smell of stagnant nicotine on someone…even when I am not a sick patient!
I have noticed a positive trend towards staff trying to quit smoking. Most have been pretty successful. Many have quit for various reasons such as getting pregnant, just knowing about the health hazards, chronic or acute illness and the like. I am curious how well the absolutely no smoking ever on campus is going to turn out.
This will, of course, eliminate the beloved “smoke break.” Although, I have taken a liking to enjoying my own version of a smoke break which I creatively call a “non-smoke break.” Why should smokers have all the fun? But if we don’t have smoking anymore, maybe we can have other types of unofficial breaks, like “latte breaks” (coffee is so vintage), or “Peanut M&M breaks” or “Turtle Racing breaks.” Think of how much more fun we could have at work, how much healthier we would be and how much more we would enjoy coming back to work! Just don’t eat too many M&Ms! That might create a whole other kind of addiction!!!