
Are print scrubs just for the pediatric floor?


blues-cluesSometimes, wearing print scrubs out in the world (clean, pre-shift scrubs, of course) can engender a terrific response.
Here’s one story contributed by Erica Holl, RN. She’s Charge Nurse at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children.

“Not only do patients love the print scrubs — kids outside the hospital also respond to them. One day on my way to work I stopped at the grocery store. Of course I was wearing my scrubs, which had the characters from Blue’s Clues all over them.

As I was shopping in the dairy aisle, a little boy of about 4 years of age walked up to me, hugged my legs and would not let go. It was very sweet. I assume he was attracted to my scrubs. As the interaction continued I spoke with the little boy and his mother finally called him back. He still would not leave my side and asked if he could come home with me. His parents were gracious and eventually took the little boy back with them. As it so happens, they wound up in my checkout line and he came back to me. I believe it was my scrubs that led to this interaction.”

Do you have a story about your scrubs? Share it with us and you may get featured in Scrubs Magazine!

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