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How do I deal with being a new graduate? Have I made the wrong career choice? Does the level of stress get better? Will I enjoy nursing more as I gain more experience?
Are any of these questions and concerns running through your mind? If so, run faster, catch them, wrap them up and throw them out! Here is some light I shed on the very valid concerns of a one reader.
Tip #1– Hang in there! Â Tip #2– Don’t give up! Â Tip #3– Have a glass of wine and take a deep breath, because a year from now you will look back and be thankful for the invaluable experience you are getting during this stressful time…
Along with any new job in any new field comes the stress of finding your own, gaining confidence, getting to know your co-workers, and making your mark. Now, add having people’s lives in your own hands and you compile the stress level to an almost unbearable degree… especially as a new nurse.
I think it took me about a full year before I started to not feel like the new girl anymore. And depending on the floor that you work on, the pace of the environment, how critical the patients are, how supportive the coworkers are, can impact that comfort level and the length of time it takes to reach it. Nursing isn’t known for being a low stress profession. But if you weigh the positives and the negatives, my scale always tips in the positive direction. What other profession do you know of that allows you to truly impact the life of a person? What other profession allows you connect with people and develop relationships during a most trying time? What other profession allows you to work three days during the week and make more than most of your friends right out of school? What other profession allows you to, if you choose, pick up and travel to a new city every three months with a secure job in each place? What other profession allows the opportunity for continuing education in a growing field that is top of the job market (the nurse practitioner)?
I know you are stressed, and probably questioning your skills, and battling with your confidence levels. But try to remember that every nurse was a new nurse at one point. Building the experience of “experience” will allow you to more aptly juggle a six patient assignment, prep an OR patient while anesthesia breathes down your throat, hold a dying patient’s hand because you’re all he’s got, assist a sterile procedure, and run a code on night shift.
The bottom line? Don’t give up. If months from now things still haven’t changed and you still find yourself burying your head in your pillow at night post 12-hour shift, then don’t be afraid to look for another nursing position amidst the hundreds of specialties, hospitals, and “nurse needed” jobs out there. Don’t give up on the field (I could be a walking nursing commercial). A positive outlook, it can only get better from here, right?