
Is technology making you bad at your nursing job?


Instant message is twisting your words (and making you lazy)

Remember when email revolutionized business communication? All of a sudden, memos were obsolete, no one knew where the fax machine was anymore (or how to use it), and conference calls were set up only on an as-needed basis. Employees everywhere rejoiced in their new-found efficiency.

But the email revolution was just the tip of the iceberg. In the past few years, instant messaging has become an acceptable intra-office communication tool and, in many ways, we should be grateful for its emergence. It’s faster, less formal, and more interactive than email, and yet it lacks the commitment face-to-face or over-the-phone interaction demands. The perfect formula, right? Wrong.

There are just too many misunderstandings when body language, vocal intonation, and facial expressions are left out of a conversation. Plus, how many times has a chat about something work-related degenerated into an all-out gossip marathon?

When all you have to do is share a link or ask a quick question, by all means, send an IM. For most everything else, though, it’s a no-no. Get off your lazy butt and start talking to each other.

Afraid of the telephone? –>

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