
Things that make nurses laugh


We have all sorts of funny stuff on We’ve handpicked our favorites to help you acquaint yourself with the “lighter side” of our site.
Great Articles by Nurses


Nurse Cartoons

We knew nurses loved cartoons, but we had no idea how much until we started featuring them on and got demands for more(!) more(!) more!

See every cartoon we’ve ever published…and keep coming back, because we post new ones ALL THE TIME.

Caption Contests

Here, dear nurses, is where YOU bring the funny. All we do is post a picture. You do the rest. And you do it oh-so-well!

Click through our gallery of winners and submit your own entry to this week’s picture!

Funny Stories

Your funny isn’t necessarily my funny, and vice-versa. But we know what makes a nurse laugh, because we’ve all been there. Civilians, don’t bother reading these. You probably won’t get it (and may even be offended!).

Click through our entire collection of funny stories.

You Know You’re a Nurse When…

You know those great lists that describe you to a T? We have them for almost every kind of nurse in almost every type of situation, and we add more every single week!

See the lists, then submit your own for a chance to win your list on a mug!


Comment of the week: Nursing was a reinvention

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