
How You Take Control of Your Health When You’re Busy Kicking Goals  


Also, wake up early. No, not 7 am, I’m talking 4:30am-5:00am. Why? Because it turns out early rising not only gives you a literal head start for the day, but several studies have also linked it with greater success, higher GPAs, being more proactive, sleeping better, and being more optimistic. All sounds pretty good to me!

  1. Move every day! Set aside half an hour to an hour every day to move your If you spend all day sitting, then go on an hour-long walk. If you spend all day on your feet, try some yoga to stretch out those tired muscles. By committing to being active every day for a set amount of time, you once again remove the decision. It’s not a question of whether you will be active or not that day, just a question of how. Some days it may a full on H.I.T.T. workout, other days a walk or yoga. Whatever works for you and feels good is great. I also use this time as “me time”- it is about me and my body and my commitment to looking after myself. It becomes almost meditative and allows my mind to switch off a little after being so active that day.

Remember, you are your most important investment! In the health industry, we sometimes forget to look after ourselves. How are we meant to care for others if we are not in our prime and functioning at our best?

It’s time to take control of our health! Bianca xx

For more information on proactive and oral health, head to or check me out on Instagram, @thesydneydentist

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