“I am a hospice nurse, and if I had any doubts in a higher being, working hospice has definitely rid me of them. I would say that 95 percent of my patients start communicating with someone from their past within a few days of passing. It doesn’t matter what their nationality, race or religion—most of them experience someone coming to bring them into their next chapter. When I worked as a staff nurse in the hospital and we would witness this, we would say the patient was hallucinating and use drugs to sedate them. Now I think just because I cannot see the person they are communicating with doesn’t mean they are not actually there. I have been with many, many people as they have passed on, and I will say without a doubt that those who have a strong spiritual belief usually have a very peaceful death, and every patient I have ever had who was an atheist went fighting and scared through to the end. We all have a right to our own beliefs, but I would rather believe and be wrong than not believe and be wrong.”
—Nina Cruz
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