
How did you choose your nursing specialty?


Shutterstock | Tyler OlsonShutterstock | Tyler Olson

What is meant to be always seems to find a way to happen. We asked the nurses on our Scrubs Mag Facebook page to tell us about their “aha” moments that led them to their nursing specialty. Although some seem to have realized their true calling before leaving the womb, others reported going through strenuous life events and, in some cases, multiple careers before discovering their nurse destiny.

“I don’t think I ever wanted to do anything else. Med/surg makes it easy to help a variety of people. I love it and have for many, many years.” —Ellen J.

“I had a miscarriage and was all alone in the hospital when I met this nurse who made such an impact on me. She took the time to talk to me. She also gave me a hug. At that moment I thought to myself, ‘I want to do the same for other people, give comfort and show compassion in the most vulnerable time of their lives.'” —Luciana W.

“I am a recovering alcoholic, and as a young, intoxicated female, I was treated pretty badly by a lot of people. When I got sober, I wanted to work with other alcoholics, and so I tried to get training as a CD counselor. Nothing worked. Every door I tried got slammed in my face, and someone kept saying, ‘Why don’t you try nursing?’ So I went to the local college and applied for their nursing program, and doors started opening right and left. In 25 years as a nurse, I have tried other fields, and I always come back to mental health. It is my home!” —Sharon H.

“I donated a kidney to a friend and went into nephrology!” —Rita D.

“I always wanted to be like Mary Ellen Walton and wander around the countryside on Old Blue, seeing my patients…I have been a community nurse consultant for 21 years. I wander around the back roads of our county seeing my patients…in an old Saturn.” —Lee B.

“Three months as an antepartum patient with my last baby on mom/baby. I am a maternity nurse.” —Beth G.

“I was affected by a child fatality and ever since have worked in pediatric operating theaters! Making a difference, caring for children and their carers is 110 percent job satisfaction!” —Sally C.

“The hospice where my sister made her grand transition gave me the inspiration to make a transition of my own. My sweetest days come when I help a family assist a loved one cross on to that next stage.” —Renata B.

We love reading your stories! Tell us how you chose your nursing specialty in a comment below.

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