The last few postings I have discussed the how my unit is implementing a new computer system, and how important preparation is when looking for a job. I talked about how I thought the computer rollout was going to go down in flames due to the inadequate training that was available.
Well….I was wrong. My staff was awesome. The rollout went without a hitch on my unit. The staff was open and ready despite the training.
I attribute this all to being prepared. I prepped my staff for this for the past month. Daily email reminders to get their training completed. Daily huddles to remind the staff of the upcoming changes. Even a threat or two that they could not work if their training was not complete (for those of you that take me too seriously, that was a little joke…actually I did, but I would not have followed through).
Preparing my staff was the key to success. I probably over-prepared them because I was so worried about the system, but it was the right thing to do.
So, like I said in the previous posts, preparation in the key to success in everything you do as a nurse. Prepping for tests while you are in nursing school, prepping for the NCLEX, prepping for a job interview, prepping for your first day of work or for every nursing task you will perform as nurse throughout your career.
So, as usual, I was right…..except, I still haven’t finished my own training. Don’t tell my staff please.