Categories: Nursing Blogs

Healthy hibernation tips

Helder Almeida | Veer

Calling all nurses.

It’s that time of year when we do a little less, spend more time indoors, and generally go into ‘hibernation’ mode. The weather stinks (at least where I live). You either love the cold and the snow or you hate it. I myself love to hate it. I’m a kid at heart and love playing in the snow, but the grown-up in me hates living in it! I haven’t met anyone out there that actually enjoys driving in the snow?

So I’m sitting here wondering what the heck can we do about it? Well unless you have the ability to move to a warmer climate you and I have to deal with it. We still need to stay active, even though every bone in our (cold) body wants to curl up into a ball and just ‘huddle’ for warmth.

Ever thought of moving more? I hear that moving more actually creates heat? I’ve read somewhere that activity actually can cause you to sweat?! (do you sense the sarcasm?)

Here are some hibernating activities you can do from the comfort of your own home to burn off those extra calories during the ‘cold season’:

(1) Walk it off

Do you have any stairs in the house? I myself live in a ranch-style home, but we do have stairs down to the basement. While doing laundry today I realized I could get quite the workout just going to and from the basement! Add in a overflowing heavy laundry basket and you got yourself a full-fledged workout.

(2) Clean it up

I hate cleaning the house (just ask my wife). But you have to admit it does a great job at expending energy. Every time I run the sweeper (or vacuum cleaner if that’s what you call it) I end up breaking out into a sweat. I’d love to see how many calories I could burn just by sweeping? The bigger the house, the bigger the workout.

(3) Stick to the basics

How many push-ups can you do? How about those dreaded planks? Don’t underestimate the power of the prisoner squat. All these exercises require no equipment, just you, your body and some area to work.

By the way, try doing a wall-sit while you’re at it. Let me know how ‘easy’ these were for ya!

(4) Clear the runway

When the snow shows up (and you know it will), it will definitely need removed from the walkway, the porch, the patio, the driveway, etc. The last time I checked, and the last time I shoveled some snow, I don’t recall it being easy in any way.

What about you? You have any secrets to staying active while hibernating?

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