
Would your pet make a great nurse?


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The Humor Department at Scrubs HQ finally has an answer to the nursing shortage: Recruit our pets! Leaving no whiskered rock unturned, we’re scouring our files of adorable pets for signs of nursing potential.

The following may just be “funny videos” on YouTube, but at Scrubs they’re audition tapes for future (furry) nurses!

See below and decide for yourself if these adorable dogs and cats have what it takes. 🙂

Meet the Future (Furry) Nurses:

HIPAA All-Star Dog
Irish Sett-ing Sail for Nursing School
Compassion Fatigue? Nary Larry
Great Dane, Greater Pediatrics Nurse
Tissue Retriever

HIPAA All-Star Dog

This dog would have no problem following HIPAA laws. He’s all about keeping nosy people out!


Next up: Irish Sett-ing Sail for Nursing School


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