Thomas Northcut | Digital Vision | Thinkstock
1. Restore Your Skin
Your hands bear the brunt of frequent washing and sanitizing in a healthcare setting. Keep heavy-duty, non-scented hand moisturizers available at work and use them liberally throughout the day. Cetaphil Restoraderm moisturizer has actually proven its value in several medical research studies with results published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. It’s helpful for relieving dryness and itching and restoring the skin barrier. It also provides faster relief than topical steroids alone for treating atopic dermatitis. Of course, there are other brands on the market with similar ingredients that you can use as well. Look for products that contain “ceramides” (lipids). If you want to share a hand moisturizer with coworkers, choose a lotion version of the formula in a squirt bottle rather than a cream version in a tub to prevent cross-contamination.
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