Nursing Blogs

Everybody falls off the ‘healthy living’ train…


It isn’t how many times you fall – it’s how many times you get back up. Fall once, fall twice, heck fall 300 times if that’s what it takes. Just make sure you get back up ONE MORE TIME than you fall. Makes sense doesn’t it? You can fall (fail) all you need – just don’t give up and stay down there. Get back up. Start over again.
I think that’s where I get the concept of ‘consistency’. Being persistent at being consistent (yeah – I like that saying).

I haven’t been practicing what I preach apparently? I seem to have fallen down recently. Don’t get me wrong, my journey on the ‘healthy living train’ is not nearly as challenging as others. My ‘shape’ and my ‘health’ did not come easy – nor did it magically happen over night. We are all fighting the good fight out there in one form or another and to one extreme or another. I think we all can agree that losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not easy – no matter how big that ‘numbered goal’ is. For some it’s losing 100’s of pounds, for others it’s losing inches, and for some it’s measured by a dress size (or two). I am on the last leg of that journey, and I think I’ve decided that this part of the journey is turning out to be the toughest! Those last pounds are just not wanting to go away.

I just got back from vacation and my discipline went out the door. In fact I swept it under the carpet and forgot it existed! I gorged on some of the most unhealthy food items ad naseam. My stomach turns just thinking about the gluttony! In the end I’m now paying for it. I not only feel horrible – but my weight went up, and frankly my psyche is just killing me!

So I thought I’d proclaim my new dedication to all you readers. I’ll let you know how things go as the weeks go on. I refuse to let my (recent) laziness get the best of me. (Boy did I eat so horribly — and so much!)

I fell off the ‘train’- and I’m getting back up on it. Lying there on the ground in pity won’t get me where I want to be. I have to get back up, and get back on the ‘train’, otherwise the ‘train’ is just going to pass me by.

Anyone care to join me?

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