Just as week seven has it’s inevitable rut of case studies, projects, papers, and the threat of everything piling up all too quickly, week 9 is the haven of rest, the calm after the storm. Seems like everything that has a due date has been turned in. Case studies are done (and graded!), rough drafts and final drafts nearing an end (thankfully) and group projects ended up coming together quite well. I’ve had a lot going on these last few weeks, both in school and outside of school (engagement party!). Now that the madness is over and all that’s really left to work on is the final, I feel like I am floating on cloud 9.
It’s good and bad, this cloud 9 business. The good is, it’s been an amazing week. I got everything done on time enough to be able to devote 3 days to my family, fiance, and friends as we celebrated our engagement. It was like a mini vacation – exciting, relaxing, and incredibly fun. Let me say, going back to school on Monday to a skills work shop on death and dying was not very pleasant – very much a bubble burster. But despite getting back to work, now that all the big projects are out of the way, I am feeling much more relaxed and calm about everything… and feeling one step closer to vacation.
Which is the down side to the cloud. I’m feeling a little too relaxed. I’ve got it all handled, for sure, but I need to keep reminding myself that there is one more week, and a massive final to get through. I need to start making sure I am getting ready for the final so I can avoid the “week 10 freak out!” (definitely something I don’t want to deal with!). It’s been a fun week, and a relief to have a lot of the major stuff out of the way, but the quarter’s not over yet, even if I really am one step closer to vacation every day!