
Best of 2012: Our favorite humor lists for and about nurses!


6. The top 10 funniest pieces of advice you got in nursing school

Nursing schools are notoriously tough, and soon-to-be nurses typically are given all sorts of advice on how to survive. Is most of the advice helpful? Sure. But usually it’s dry, dry, dry. So we asked our Facebook community for the funniest pieces of advice they received when they were in nursing school. Not only are these tips helpful, but they’re also hilarious!

1. I had an instructor who was a nun. When doing my first male catheter, she said to me, “You have to grab it like you own it.” Not sure who was more embarrassed, me or the patient!
—Terri King Howard

2. “Never trust a fart.” :-0
—Carrie Barnes Blackley

3. “Keep your fingernails trimmed, but leave one sharp and pointy to pop the blister packs the meds come in.”
—Tina Parks

Laugh at the rest of the list!

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