Mutant nurses that never sleep…and love overtime?
A scientific discovery has hospital administrators seeing dollar signs.
Nurse cartoons – Why I became a nurse
Life as a nurse is sometimes funny. And sometimes it's so UNfunny that you really need something funny...
More and more nurse cartoons
More of our favorite "Nurstoons," graciously offered up by cartoonist Carl Elbing.
More nurse cartoons
You're gonna want to print these out and tape them up on your work locker. We guarantee it.
Break Room
Even more nurse cartoons
It's not easy being a nurse. But with the right frame of mind, it CAN be hilarious!
Nurse cartoon gallery
Life as a nurse is sometimes funny. And sometimes it’s so UNfunny that you REALLY REALLY need something funny. So, do you need ...
Nurse cartoons – week 14
Been there? Done that? Yeah. We get it. Click through this week's gallery of hilarious cartoons.
Nurse cartoons – week 13
Need a laugh? Browse through these hilarious cartoons just for nurses.
Nurse cartoons – week 12
Need a laugh? Browse through these hilarious cartoons just for nurses.