Nurse's StationScrubs

Are you relying on your nurse team too much?


Scenario 3
Your patient is in the last stages of labor, but you skipped breakfast and missed lunch. With your stomach grumbling, you leave the floor, asking your team to check in with your patient as you head to the cafeteria.
Your view: You’re hungry! You will be able to provide better patient care if your needs are met first.
Your team’s view: All of the patients are in labor and none of the nurses have had a chance to eat.
What you can do: Cultivate a team approach. Gather up orders and bring back food for everyone, or spring for a pizza delivery. Rotate 10-minute breaks so everyone gets a chance to eat. Your stomach will be happy—and so will your co-workers.

Next: Scenario 4 →

Chaunie Marie Brusie, RN, BSN
Chaunie Marie Brusie, RN, BSN, graduated with her Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing exactly one week before delivering her daughter Ada Marie. Now working as a part-time nurse, taking an occasional class toward her master’s degree and chasing around daughter #2, Chaunie is pursuing a passion for writing. She blogs at

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