Hemera | Thinkstock
Honestly, I was feeling pretty bummed out as last quarter wound down…especially on New Year’s Eve. I’m really not sure what it was, maybe it was the 12 hour shift I just finished, but I was just tired and not really feeling the excitement. We toasted and counted down, but after the stroke of midnight (and the traditional silly string fight) it was just another day and I was eager to get to sleep. It wasn’t until I really reflected on my 2010 the next day that I started to get into the “new year spirit.” It really was a pretty fantastic year. I started it off with my peds rotation, which opened up the doors into this whole new world of nursing and changed my life. I started gaining more confidence in my work, I get engaged, I got hired at the hospital of my dreams, and have done pretty well in school. It’s been full and exciting, and I only wish I had given it more credit as I said goodbye to those last seconds.
But after I got a chance to reflect, I really got a renewed energy. Excited about starting something new. 2011 is graduation year! In 154 days I will have that cap and gown on, and hopefully a short time after that I will get to add RN to the end of my name. And by this time next year, I hope I am working as a nurse, doing something that I absolutely love (hopefully my dream job!). There’s a lot of opportunities ahead, I am looking forward to embracing them all and making it a fantastic year!
So school is starting. New texts, new highlighters, new notebooks, new classes. A great way to start off a new year, embracing the last 2 quarters of nursing school and giving it all that I’ve got! But now I ask you experienced nurses: What should I be thinking and doing as I get close to the finish line?