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As nurses we never really leave our “jobs” at the work place–we are always nurses outside the hospital as evidenced by the deference paid to us by those around us. Nurses are well-respected for a reason–we have a voice because we are trusted by our public.
That said, I have been thinking a little about nurses as activists–outside our places of employment. There are so many causes we can lend our “clout” to in order to change things in this country–and in the world.
I think of Florence Nightingale, perhaps the 1st nurse activist, who sacrificed her family and personal life, her comfort and safety and even the acceptance of those around her to effect change. She was just one person and look at all she did!
Nurse activism is when we look around us, seek out opportunities to act by putting our weight behind something we are passionate about, all to effect change for the better good. Activism means sacrifice of many things–our time, our comfort, even what others think of us.
I love the quote, “Save one life you are a hero, save a hundred live, you’re a nurse.” Our ability to ACT is just that far reaching! It’s a true butterfly effect.
There are so many nurse-supported causes out there! I searched “nurses for” on the web and look what i found on the 1st page:
Nurses for Nurses
Nurses for Newborns
Nurses for a Healthier Tomorrow
Nurses for Global Health
Nurses for the Rights of Children
Nurses for Haiti
Nurses for Ethical standards
The list goes on and on…looks like every nurse concern is represented. And there is always room for one more cause!
So this week I have put my nurseness behind a cause I am a passionate about! No, it wasn’t easy BUT I feel like ACTING on this issue has truly added to my career satisfaction. I am more rounded out, not just as a floor nurse, but as Amy-the-nurse.
Lip service only gets us so far! Activism puts what we are passionate about within hands reach–we CAN feel empowered to do something! I’d love to see more nurses put their R.N. behind a cause and make some changes out there–change is a good thing!