
A shower meditation for nurses



Image: Rob Goldman/Photodisc Collection/Getty Images

Breath Prayer

Breathing in: Guide me…
Breathing out: …Guard me


Reflection While Taking a  Shower

Allow the force of the water to massage your scalp.
Enjoy being naked, dressed in clouds of steam.
Breathe in the warm, moist air.
Close your eyes and see yourself in a rainforest.
Lush green leaves and plants caress and embrace your body.
You feel reborn in purity as you stand under a waterfall.
All your cells feel energized and strong
as the water cascades down your back.
Let yourself relax into these moments of cleansing renewal.
Open your hands, palms upward, and ask
for clarity and courage to face the day.
Trust the strength of your body,
newly refreshed and ready to carry you through the day.
As water is a source of life, so may you be a source of healing today.

From the Bible

Yes, streams came out of the rock,
and caused waters to flow down,
like rivers.
Psalm 78

Rabbi Sheryl Lewart
Sheryl Lewart was a beloved spiritual teacher who lectured and led workshops and seminars in mystical Judaism (Kabbalah, Hasidism and Mussar). She served for 12 years as rabbi of Kehillat Israel—the largest Reconstructionist congregation in the world—in Los Angeles, and gave seminars regularly on values-based decision-making. Before passing away of cancer in late 2012, Sheryl offered spiritual direction and guidance in order to help others understand that by developing our own spirituality, we discover a deeper intimacy with God and a genuine compassion for all of creation. God, it has been suggested, is the wind that blows our ship, but it is up to us to turn the rudder and shift the sails in order to more fully catch the wind that freely blows.

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