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Dear Santa.
I’ve been super good this year.
I went to all my classes, and even when I was going to skip that one Family Nursing Lecture to go to my best-friend’s graduation, I stuck it out and stayed (thank you for canceling class that day!).
I’ve studied hard and worked my butt off coming up with some pretty amazing nursing diagnoses and care plans for my patients. And even though I’ve doodled a bit too much on my notes and maybe spent too much time on Facebook in class, I’ve really been trying to stay awake!
So here’s my Christmas wish-list for this year:
- Some new scrubs – rotating between 3 pairs is great, but a few more sets would add some variety into my daily routine (no white please!)
- Really awesome bandage scissors – I know the seasoned nurses have said there’s no point because I will lose them anyway – I would still like a pair that cut well… with pink handles
- Extra supplies are always good – black pens that write really well that look cute (Hello Kitty!) or maybe some colorful dry-erase markers, a spare pen light is always good too.
- New hospital shoes – mine are feeling the wear of the last two years and are a lot heavier than I remember. Maybe some Reebok Easy-Tones, so I can go to work and workout at the same time?
I’m pretty much set after that. But if you’d like to send some Christmas magic my way as well, here are a few more things I could use:
- A good night’s sleep – it doesn’t have to be every night (that would be a miracle!), but if you could work it out so I can sleep soundly the nights before clinical and before work, I would greatly appreciate it. Plus, you know, it will help me be more efficient during the day… so you’d be helping me in the long run too.
- A confidence boost – I’ve come this far and done pretty well, but that doesn’t mean I don’t forget it all when it comes time to turn in a project or write another case study. If you could just send an extra boost of confidence my way and remind me, that’d be great
- A pillow that functions as a membrane – you know, so I can stick my text book under it and go to bed and learn through osmosis. Would be particularly awesome for studying for the NCLEX…. I could be learning 24/7! 🙂
Now Santa, I hope that’s not asking too much (and if it is, I am fine with using the osmolar pillow only on nights before tests!), but I think I’ve been pretty good this year, and well, some Christmas magic would really help bring some cheer in all this rain – and get me through the home-stretch!