Categories: Scrubs

A million pounds, a million steps, a million deep breaths: join the Scrubs Wellness Challenge!

Scrubs-Article-wellnesschallengeScrubs-Article-wellnesschallengeWe’ve heard–and, heck, given–the excuses more times than we can count:
“I barely have time to use the bathroom, let alone eat a healthy meal at work!” “I’m too tired to work out after a 12-hour shift.” “I can’t just ‘take a deep breath and relax’…I’m too stressed!”

Nurses work long hours at emotionally and physically demanding jobs; it’s no wonder that we often put our own health below that of our patients and families.

But we shouldn’t.

It’s as simple as this: Nurses can’t effectively take care of others if we don’t take care of ourselves. Which is why we’re proud to announce the Scrubs Wellness Challenge, which we’ll be running for the next four months with one simple goal:

Help nurses get healthy.

We’re aiming to lose a million pounds, walk a million steps and take a million deep breaths…together. How can you join our movement? Just click HERE to read inspiring articles, get nurse-specific tips that’ll work for YOU, see expert advice and so much more.

So take a deep breath, lace up your sneakers and let’s get healthy together!

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