Categories: Scrubs

A Father’s Day story

I remember the night of December 28, 1999, like it was yesterday. It was the night my dad died. I was 18 years old.
When my dad was first diagnosed with colon and liver cancer, his doctor said he had a few months to live. Instead, he lived for three years. He died at home in hospice care after the entire family had a chance to say goodbye. He was only 40.

I know that it was because of my dad that I became a nurse. I didn’t decide to go into nursing right away — the loss of a parent, combined with high school graduation and moving away, was a lot to overcome in one year. It took time and personal growth to get to where I am today. But ten years later, I am a nurse and a proud father. My daughter, Tara, is now five years old (five and three quarters, if you ask her).

One requirement of nursing that has helped me become a better father, is patience. In the hospital, things happen at their own pace, and often at inconvenient times. This is often true with five-year-olds, too. For instance, mornings used to be a stressful time for me when my daughter was getting ready for the day. I would always jump in and try to help her with every task, like tying her shoes.  But I found that when I backed off and gave her a little time and space she did great on her own. All she wanted was a chance to try things out and explore for herself. Once I learned to be patient, I was able to see how talented and cool my little girl is!

I work in an intensive care unit at Sanford USD Medical Center in Sioux Falls, SD. I take pride in my job even though it can be very stressful: multiple doctors on a case, in-room procedures and worrying family members, not to mention all of that charting! No matter how bad my day gets, there is always a little blonde ball of energy waiting for me when I get home, oblivious to the tough day I just had. All Tara wants to do is go to the park, play Legos, or watch Hannah Montana(guilty!). There are few things that are better to help a dad unwind than to play Legos with his five year old.

Tara has started talking about becoming a nurse. Even at five, I can see she would be great at it. She will, however, have to learn one very important thing: listening. While being her dad has taught me the value of patience, I also try to teach her the value of listening. It’s something she’ll definitely need to master if she becomes a nurse! She’ll need to be able to listen to patients, their family members, her colleagues and, most importantly, herself.

Like my dad inspired me, I hope to inspire my daughter to be whatever it is she wants to be — a nurse or anything else. In any case, I just want her to listen to her heart no matter what, and know that her daddy, the nurse, will support and love her through it all.

Jesse Freeburg

Jesse Freeburg, RN, is a critical care ‘murse’ (his affectionate name for a male nurse) in the ICU at Sanford USD Medical Center in Sioux Falls, SD. He is the proud father of five-year-old Tara Freeburg.

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