
Businesses Remain Defiant in Curb of Covid-19


In the wake of the Covid-19, States across the Nation are calling for the shutdown of businesses that attract large crowds, or really, anything over 10 people.

So it’s surprising that some businesses aren’t taking the tough yet necessary decisions to help curb the spread. Equinox in New York and Soul Cycle in LA decided to close shop, while gym giant F45 is still open. “F45 should be ashamed of themselves. We walked outside of our apartment building last night in Little Italy, San Diego and saw droves of people leaving F45” Said one source who wished to remain anonymous. “People were sweating, coughing, it was insane that they’re still open. We immediately ran back inside to avoid the crowd.”

Greystar, the popular apartment multi-family group has also come under blast from some of its communities for refusing to allow no contact deliveries from delivery services such as Uber and Postmates. A source told us “We asked the property managers of the building to unlock the elevators so we can allow a no contact delivery. They said it’s not possible as it’s a controlled access community, whatever that means. Essentially those on quarantine can’t use services such as Uber and Postmates in the building.”

What are your thoughts on businesses remaining open during this crisis? Should larger gatherings such as bars and gyms be closed across the board?

If we’re truly to flatten the curve, we need to do all we can.


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