Part five to “You Know You’re a Nurse When…” article.
We asked our Funny Nurses family to fill in the blank after “You know you’re a NURSE when…” (above photo) and we got some pretty great responses! We think you’ll relate – see below:
You know you’re a NURSE when…
1. When you are calling in for refills of your OWN medications and hit the number for ” If you are a Dr’s office… Press 2″…Then have to explain to the Tech… Opppsss!! LOL! – Sebrina Clifton Farrow
2. When you are waiting until your bladder is going to explode before going to the bathroom, at home. – Katrina Ramos
3. When you wash your hands *before* using the toilet… – Cris Lackner
4. When your first aid kit at home is better then the EMT’s – Barbara Wilt
5. When you can spot an asthmatic, an ETOH abuser/or drug abuser a mile away. – Kenya MY
6. When you are too tired to be able to fall asleep… and your next shift is 8 hours away. – Melanie Maples
7. When you can eat any food and use the bathroom in 5 seconds or less…that’s a seasoned nurse for sure. – Marcia Roberts Webber