
10 most exciting jobs in nursing


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A cool job…what’s that? The best answer is that it’s a job that lets you do things you love – at work – and get paid well for it. You could also add great growth potential as a criteria, too.

Today, nursing’s outer limits are expanding hugely, with all kinds of creative, exciting possibilities. From mind-body medicine to leading the hospital geeks into brave new frontiers, here are dream jobs: Our picks for the top ten coolest nursing careers.

“These jobs are based on trends and where the best opportunities are, now and in the future,” says Donna Cardillo, a widely respected nurse career expert who speaks at industry conferences and the author of several popular nursing career books.

#1: Going Into the Flow: Holistic Nursing

Does massage turn you on? Mind-body medicine? Stress reduction techniques? If your idea of self-care is another latte, and you’d like to trade in your high-stress work life for a soothing nurturing atmosphere, then consider holistic nursing, a specialty for 4,000 nurses. Holistic nurses provide both conventional and complementary medicine, often training in alternative, high-touch modalities in addition to their traditional nursing skills.

Sample job description: “Work in a unique, upscale, soothing clinic 4 days a week…”

1. Going into the Flow: Holistic Nursing
2. Nursing Informatics
3. Forensic Nursing
4. Outcomes Management
5. Fitness Nursing
6. Entrepreneur and Consultant (Self Employed)
7. Medical Esthetics Nurse
8. Faith-Based Nursing
9. Insurance Nursing
10. Assisted Living and Long Term Care

Continue to the next exciting job that’s perfect for the Geek Nurse!

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